What is Greek Mythology?

Greek mythology is the body of all stories, gods’ rituals, and legends. It is difficult to know when Greek mythology started, as it is believed to have stemmed from centuries of oral tradition. It is likely that Greek myths evolved from stories told in the Minoan civilization of Crete, which flourished from about 3000 to 1100 BC. Greek religious myths are concerned with gods or heroes in their more serious aspects or relate to ritual.  

Olympus Family Tree

The twelve gods of Olympus all belong to the descendants of the Titan Cronus, either because they are the brothers and sisters of Zeus, or because they are the children of Zeus.

Why is Greek Mythology so popular?

The Greek mythology is very rich in characters diversity. It explores universal themes and questions, such as love, war, fate, justice, morality, identity, and the nature of reality. As well it appeals to the imagination and creativity of the audience, who can relate to the human emotions and struggles of the mythical figures or reinterpret them in new way.

Ask The Oracle of Delphi

The Oracle at Delphi was a priestess who made prophecies about the future. People went there to ask questions about their future. The priestess sat on a special three-legged bronze bowl.

According to mythology a dragon named Python guarded the area and was killed by Apollo. Since then Apollo the Pythian was worshiped at Delphi. A temple was built in honor of Apollo. The first priests came to Delphi all the way from the island of Crete.

Ask your question here and find out what your future holds!

Greek Mythology in present times

The Greek stories of gods, heroes and monsters are told and retold around the world even today. The earliest known versions of these myths date back more than 2,700 years, appearing in written form in the works of the Greek poets Homer and Hesiod.

But now, Greek Mythology is in all the branches of mass media, especially printed and video.
