Famous Greek Gods:

Ancient Greek religion was based on the belief that there were twelve gods and goddesses that ruled the universe from Mount Olympus, in Greece.

The major deities of the Greek pantheon, were commonly considered to be Zeus, Poseidon, Hera, Demeter, Aphrodite, Athena, Artemis, Apollo, Ares, Hephaestus, Hermes, and either Hestia or Dionysus.


The ruling god of Olympus is known as the God of all humans also the God of the sky. He is the king of the gods, also part of the big three. The big three represents the strongest gods known as Zeus, Hades, and Poseidon. Zeus sliced his father, Cronus to a thousand pieces. Cronus did this to his father as well.

Fun Fact: Zeus had two servants named Violence and Force


The queen of Olympus, married to Zeus, the king. She is a very jealous wife. Even Zeus is scared of her fits or temper. She is the goddess of women, marriage and childbirth.

Fun Fact: She instigated the famous twelve labors of Hercules.


The goddess of love and beauty. She wears a robe to make that person in love with her. She is married to Ares, the war god. She loved being admired. But there is also jealousy in her heart. She also is the only Olympian who had neither mother nor father. She simply just appeared in the foam of the sea. 

Fun Fact: In Greek mythology, she sparked the Trojan war after uniting the lovers Paris and Helen


The goddess of chastity, hunting, and the moon, often depicted with her trusty bow and arrow and a short tunic to aid in running through the woods. Her maidenly virtue—for she swore never to marry—was presented in counterpoint to the passionate and fiery Aphrodite.

Fun Fact: The deer is her sacred animal.


Hermes name stands for a heap of stones like locating landmarks to indicate boundaries. He was born on Mt. Cyllene. He is the god of messages and uses his winged boots for travel. 

Fun Facts: Traditionally, Hermes invented musical instruments like the lyre and syrinx. His symbols include winged sandals and the caduceus.


The Greek god of blacksmiths, metalworking, carpenters, craftsmen, artisans, sculptors, metallurgy, fire (compare, however, with Hestia), and volcanoes.

Fun Fact: Some legends state that Hera alone is Hephaestus’ parent and that he was born in response to Zeus hatching Athena from his head.


In Greek mythology, the name Hades also refers to the underworld. Hades-the-god received the hellish kingdom after drawing straws with his brothers and losing. Zeus became the sky god, Poseidon became god of the sea, and Hades was given the land of the dead.

He famously abducted the Greek goddess Persephone, making her his queen, and he was also the god of wealth due to the mineral richness inside the earth. Plus, he commanded the Furies, who tortured dead sinners.

Fun Fact: Hades helped Zeus to overthrow their father


The god of horses, earthquakes, and water. The word Poseidon means “Lord of the Earth.” Poseidon is the brother of Zeus and one of the big three. Poseiden also has a nickname “Lord of the Earth,” because it was his ability to shake the ground by smashing his hilt on the ground.

Fun Fact: The winged horse, Pegasus, is his offspring.


The Goddess of Agriculture; her name indicates that she is a mother. The roots of her story are ancient even though she is rarely talked about. The legend centers on her daughter Persephone who then was kidnapped by Hades, and he declared her his wife. 


The birth of Athena was not of mother nor father, she just sprouting out of Zeus’s head. Zeus was having a headache and Hephaestus pried open his head and then Athena was born, straight from knowledge. She was also fully grown and in battle gear with her spear ready. Athena is also the goddess of wisdom, and her symbol is the owl. 

Fun Fact: Athena is Zeus’ favorite child.


The God of the sun, archery, and music. Hermes helped him with the making of the lyre. Apollo traded fifty of his best cows and his magic wand for the lyre. Legend says that he keeps evil away.

Fun Fact: He oversees the muses (goddesses of the arts)


The god of war, he was tall, handsome, but vain as his brother Hephaestus is kind. Ares loved to hear war because he would ride in his carriage and fight.

Fun Fact: His daughter Hippolyta was queen of the Amazons


Dionysus is the god of wine; he is also the youngest of the Olympians. And the only one of the twelve gods who was mortal. Hera tricked his mother into looking into Zeus’s true form which ended up killing her. 

Fun Fact: Hera murdered his mother


Hestia is likely the kindest of all the gods, known for her warm supportive nature and generosity. She keeps hearths kindled and is all about family harmony. 

Fun Fact: Hestia gave up her Olympian seat to welcome Dionysus